Why Support Frocktober & the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation
Thats the easy option......................................
Two years ago this month I was extremely unsure of what life held for me, at 28 years old I had just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
While my experience with ovarian cancer was at the time devastating, it also brought out the best in my family and friends.I have found that my life has changed considerably.
The only time I am anxious now is the night before the three-monthly check ups.
Overall I am fortunate that my ovarian cancer was detected at a comparatively early stage, which enabled the surgeons to operate and remove all visible tumours. My outlook is very positive with close monitoring.
I have learnt so much from my cancer journey – my outlook on life has completely changed.
You never know what is around the corner and this whole experience has made me re-evaluate what is important to me.
I now understand how things can change so quickly.
I have also met some of the most incredible and understanding people who have helped me through my journey and have made some amazing friends, some who share a similar story to mine.
I am extremely fortunate; my cancer was diagnosed relatively early before it had spread. Many women are not so lucky and I hope that by wearing frocks every day for the month of October I will initiate discussions and overall increase the awareness of ovarian cancer.
Through an increase in awareness, women may become more familiar with the signs of ovarian cancer and seek medical advice early if experiencing these.
Albert Einsteins quote “There are only two ways to live your life, one is as though nothing is a miracle and the other is as though everything is a miracle’has become more tangible for me.
Frocktober Day Twenty-Five
The one and only Sydney icon
taken on this trip
Nelson Street, Balmain amazing wellness clinic |